It Doesn’t Have to Be!

Usually the posts to my blog are presentations of various individuals or events. I use my online voice providing helpful information from various points of view. I try not to be too enthusiastic regarding my Dayology discoveries, but I am also aware that at times my messages lapse into the plea of someone who is actually frightened for the overall state of the planet. I can’t apologize for having these concerns but I can report on how I think we can deal with with them.

“This morning I awoke recalling a
powerful dream. A baby elephant was

being born outdoors during a flood. The
swirling waters were filthy. The infant
was overwhelmed and died. Looking on I
was disturbed and said “It doesn’t have
to be like this!” Then I reframed the

situation and the air around me
shifted into multicolored spirals.
The elephant was born in a
natural grass land and not
only lived, but thrived. ” 

I don’t recall my dreams that often, but I accept them as cryptic messages from the INNER realms, a deeper part of myself. The important points of this particular dream are clear to me. I watched something natural take place in a unnatural setting. The result was horrible. I realized that we have choices in what we experience. I changed things in my dream without realizing that I had the ability to do so. I just did it. I moved my energy around and my reality changed.

Yes, this may be an example of Lucid Dreaming where dreamers become aware that they are dreaming. I really don’t care to split hairs over types of dreams. I just want to understand the messages that appear in the mental mailbox of my OUTER consciousness. The amazing feature of this dream was the spontaneous acceptance of the multi-colored energies which created the shift. This dream confirmed to me that we all have amazing abilities and Dayology has the capacity to help us accept our individual and collective purpose.

Baby Elephant Dream

Immediately after I awoke from this dream I had to get going in my OUTER life.  So it wasn’t until later that I had the time to figure out which Dayology Signature in effect for the day. I realized that #80 SAT SCO is one of the most demanding Dayology energies combinations. It contains many hindrances and resistances, yet it provides the possibility of great transformations.

Any person born or event occurring on a Saturday in Scorpio falls into this Signature. It has has Saturn as the INNER Ruler and Mars (or Pluto) as the OUTER Ruler. Overall it awakens us to a wide range of Saturn qualities. Individuals may become rigid and refuse to get involved. They may initially not feel up to the challenge and collapse. Still a great opportunity for transformations exists. The overall effects depend upon the nature of our goals and the number of the people who might be involved. In this case it was just me considering the fate of wild life.

My dream took place on a Saturday in Scorpio revealing to me that the dire situation holds the possibility of transformation if the challenges can be overcome by spirit. The baby elephant was the symbol of the myriad of lives, including humankind, that are at risk with the devastations of human caused Climate Change. All can be saved by a shift in outlook and behavior. And I was shown that Dayology can operate as a creative language relating the INNER and OUTER.

SITEMAP – Divination

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