SCORPIO – October 23 to November 21 Scorpios are known for their passions and sensual appetites. Because they will try anything once, the label of sinner is often applied to them, still some Scorpios are so self-disciplined they could qualify for sainthood. From their intensity you can’t tell the difference between the two types. Scorpio operates from the edges of experience with no middle ground. It is the Scorpio who unexpected falls from high positions, or comes up shining after devastating circumstances. Like the legendary Phoenix, Scorpios exhibit a relentless hold on situations even through what appears to be defeat. But watch out, they are revengeful and hold grudges. Scorpios make the worst enemies but they are absolutely the best defenders and advocates you could ever find.
Scorpio Professions – Being that you are Mars ruled, you might give these identities some thought: Bail Bondsmen, Barber, Bill Collector, Brewer, Butcher, Chemist, Dentist, Doctor, Embalmer, Funeral Director, Insurance Agent, Inspector, Laboratory Technician, Lumberjack, Mobster, Researcher, Paleontologist, Private Investigator, Plastic Surgeon, Pharmacist, Sexologist, Scientist, Sorcerer, Spy, Undertaker, Warrior.
Sun Sign Health
Scorpio rules the appendix, anus, bladder, cervix, clitoris, descending colon, urethra, ovaries, penis, perineum, prostate, urethra, and uterus, Scorpio conditions include poisonings, abscesses, boils, discharges, nocturnal emissions, enlarged prostate, hemorrhoids, ruptures, vaginal infections, venereal disease and bowed legs.
Rest and Recharge – A Scorpio might find these activities and locations rejuvenating: Ski slope, bicycle race, shooting range, golf course, weightlifting competition, boxing match, baseball game, football game, volleyball game, political demonstration, marching parade and scenes of historic battles.
“As Above – So Below” Long ago it was believed that humans are replicas of the universe. Each of us possess the energies of the “sun, moon and stars” in our being. The zodiac signs rule the functions within our physical body. Our job is to keep our creation in working order. |
The symbol for Scorpio is the Scorpion.
It is the eighth sign of the Zodiac
and ruled by the planet Mars.
This sign is of the WATER Element
and the FIXED Modality.
Scorpio Individuals
In Dayology there are seven types of Scorpio depending upon the Day Ray. Here is our growing list of Individuals born in this Sun Sign. And there is more on the way!
#08 SUN SCO – Sunday in Scorpio
#20 MON SCO – Monday in Scorpio
#32 TUE SCO – Tuesday in Scorpio
#44 WED SCO – Wednesday in Scorpio
#56 THU SCO – Thursday in Scorpio
#68 FRI SCO – Friday in Scorpio
#80 SAT SCO – Saturday in Scorpio
Calculate Your Dayology Signature
One out of every fifteen individuals are born on a Cusp. Coming into this world on the 00th or 29th degrees of any zodiac sign seems to complicate matters. The Dayology feature BORN ON A CUSP explains exactly how the Libra/Scorpio and Scorpio/Sagittarius sign cusps work to give us our most valuable experiences.