The Dayology Rules of Relationships

Have you noticed that each of your relationships is unique. It certainly would be boring if all our human interactions were exactly alike. Dayology explains why particular pairs and groups work beautifully in certain circumstances and terribly in others. Dayology research has discovered seven distinct relationship patterns. They are easy to recognize and understand.

1. Same signature and the exact same birth date. These individuals are called Time Twins.  They have exceptionally strong connections because they share the same exact planetary configurations which are embedded in their nearly identical astrological charts.

2. Same signature but not the same birth date.  These people have strong connections because they share the same planetary rulers. Still there are differences in their individual natures because of the separate planetary configurations of the two birth dates.

3. Same birthday but not the same year. Many people in the world are born on the same day. Sometimes it happens within your family. This crates a strong bonds between siblings or cousins growing up. It also provides solid connections between relatives of different generations.

4. Same Day Rays.   These folks are born on the same day of the week and share the same INNER RULER. They often recognize a spiritual connection when they meet. They may think they are soul mates, because their days rays have a similar coloring or nature.

5.  Same Sun Signs. They are both born in the same zodiac sign. They will often share general outlook regarding the OUTER world and may enjoy doing things together. They might feel like travelers taking the same train and experiencing similar vistas.

6. Four Different Rulers. These folks don’t have much in common. They do okay if they can make allowances for their separate interests. They may each require their own space and spend some time apart. Sometimes they provide exactly what the other really needs.

7. Crossed Linked Rulers.  The same planet rules one person’s INNER Self and the OUTER Self of the other. The other two rulers are different planets. In this relationship the OUTWARDLY connected person is often guided or looked after by the INWARDLY connected person.

8. Mutually Received Rulers. This is a beautiful situation and relatively rare. It requires that the RULER of each person’s INNER Self is the RULER of the other’s OUTER Self.  These lucky beings may not seem that much alike, but they are well matched spiritually and practically.

These eight rules are outlined very simply here,
but they are explained fully and illustrated with
examples in our Features.

Dayology Research